Talk:Technology Levels

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This is a proposal for adding a simple tech-level scale to USI equipment. Note, a tech-level serves a dual purpose of describing a particular cultures technological sophistication, and also the particular specifications of an individual item. Many of the species descriptions talk about a species being advanced or behind in certain technologies. Having some kind of scale would make these comparisons more tangible.

I don't think they need to be very specific. It could be a relative scale based on technologies commonly achieved at the Core. For example:

c-2 = Core Antiquated/Obsolete c-1 = Core Backward c-0 = Core Standard c+1 = Core Innovative c+2 = Core Advanced/Cutting Edge

This not only allows for some specific details about the races (example: In general the GA operate at a tech level average of C-1), it also allows us to be very specific within a race description (example: the Jerrusian's are at tech level c-0 in medical technology, but most other aspects of their technology gravitate toward c-2).

We can also use this same scale in describing flushed out technologies. (This is only an example)


c-2: Early Cloaking devices for Star Ships, Stations, and Cities. Total cloaking time less than an hour before signature leaking occurs. Cloak generators are massive with very high energy requirements.

c-1: Starship Cloaking times extended to 10 hours, and early stationary vehicular cloaks for military vehicles. Cloak generators become more economical and efficient.

c-0: Starship and small craft cloaking devices with cloaking times up to 24 hours. Mobile Vehicular cloaks much more practical.

c+1: Starship, small craft, and vehicular cloaks all become more efficient. First appearance of stationary cloak suits. Cloak generators are very efficient.

c+2: Mobile cloaking suits available for special military operations.

Note: Energy scans 2 or more tech levels greater than the tech of the cloaking device, will usually reveal the cloak.

A full blown technology write-up need not be written for every possible technology. Individual items may also be placed on the scale.

(example: These Hand Held PEC weapons are only available on worlds with a military tech of C-0 or greater).

It might also be useful to have tech categories for devices that do not improve with increases in technology (c-n: examples sweaters, curtains, forks, bookshelves) and one for ancient items that are still used in sport or for personal pleasure (c-a: swords, bows, standard pistols, saddles). Most of the c-n items will never require write-ups, but there might be a few exceptions.

It would also be possible, although perhaps ugly, to create the database in such a way that a search on "weapon" reveals all weapons across tech levels, while a search on c+2 would reveal all the most advanced technological items. This would make preparing for an adventure on a world with a different tech level fairly easy, since with one search you would get items from many different categories.

There might also be a need for an Expletun Tech Scale. Something like:

e-2 Expletun Universal (technology clearly dumbed down for dissemination to other races).

e-1 Expletun Simple (artifacts that mimic technologies achievable at the core, usually either because it is a simple item, or because scientist have already managed to reverse engineer this Expletun technology.)

e-0 Expletun Standard (artifacts current techs can use, but which operate on principles not fully understood) Technologies and items at this level can not be replicated.

e+1 Expletun Advanced (artifacts that can be partially used, but which operate on principles current techs cannot fathom.

e+2 Expletun Unknown (artifacts that can not be operated or understood).

For example, an e+1 artifact might be used to heat the Shah's palace. In fact, the item is a transdimensional stabilizer which when in use, produces a significant amount of waste heat. No one has figured this out. They just use it to pump hot air through the palace duckwork.

Also, having a scale of technology will automatically help flush out all other technology and item write-ups, as we get in the habit of looking at things across a span of technologies.

Just some ideas.
