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Testing, testing, one, two, three...
[[Image:cyborg_dev.png|right|350px|Cyborg Development]]
Cybernetics is the science of combining a man with a machine.
Begun as crude attempts to create processors that would be able to interface with a living being’s nervous system, to translate a computer’s commands into nerve impulses that would stimulate the senses and fool the muscles into action, it was the discovery of a technique to grow nerve cells on silicon chip base that allowed cybernetics to transcend from fiction into fact. With the physical bridge between computer and living tissue now established, decoding the language of the neurons was merely a matter of time and processing power. Later, miniaturization through the application of nanotechnology allowed cybernetics to leapfrog from specialist industry into mainstream society. 
First used in the creation of artificial limbs and organs, the application of cybernetics were soon expanded to augmenting people’s physical and mental functions, as well as providing useful abilities people had previously needed external appliances for. Boosted muscles and reinforced bones, senses heightened beyond what nature had intended. Accelerated reaction speed, heightened immune system to fight off diseases genetics have not yet found a cure and to quickly recover from injuries. Processor and memory nodes to augment the brain, wireless communications links to replace communicators and allow the augmented to connect to the local Cyberspehere (See link) and to remote-control appliances and vehicles.
The natural next step was for programs to be downloaded and ran in the processor nodes, giving a person the ability to, for example, record a corporate meeting through his own senses into a secure memory node while agent programs datamined the Cybersphere and company databases to provide additional information. All this while the person himself could devote his attention to the matter at hand, digesting the data provided by the agent programs to better understand the topics discussed. 
==Military applications==
Military quickly understood the benefits of cybernetics and indeed armed forces were most often at the cutting edge of the technology, trying out all possible methods of improving the survival rate and effectiveness of its top agents. Cerebral re-engineering, war-drug dispenser implants and axon blocks provided lightning-quick reaction rate and relative immunity to pain, augmented muscles and skeletal structure made lifting massive weights possible.
Nano-fibers threaded into skin layers provided adequate protection from harm, and internal force-field webs, despite their massive power consumption rates, turned even apparently unarmed and unarmored troopers into deadly weapons. Thermal shunts and active stealth coating in the form of active chameleon pigmentation of the skin allowed the augmented troopers to evade enemy sensors, while heightened senses and implanted sensors gave them the ability to spot their targets with pinpoint accuracy.
Wetwired weapons controlled by thoughts alone, weapons that forwarded targeting information directly into their user’s brain and implanted weapons like miniature particle energy weapons and nerve-jammers, monofilament garrottes and mono-bonded carbon claws were soon to follow, literally turning the heavily augmented troopers into living weapons.
The logical next step in the heating cybernetic arms race was the introduction of full-conversion cyborgs; people whose brain and spinal cord were removed from their bodies, sealed in life-support container and installed in a fully artificial bodies. Eagerly experimenting with their ever improving super-soldiers, the scientists realized that at this point there was no reason to limit their soldiers to humanoid bodies; four legs offered greater stability in difficult terrain, four arms could carry and operate more weapons systems at the same time. Mobility was augmented via replacing limbs with electromuscle tentacles, senses were boosted by replacing eyes with omnidirectional sensor bands. Only a minority of the augmented proved willing to lose their humanity to that degree, hanging on to the belief that the human shape and human thoughts still made them humans in truth, but the few that were willing to go any length in their quest for personal power surpassed their augmented colleagues like they had surpassed the unaugmented.
==The dark side of cybernetics==
It was the military that was first introduced to the dark side of cybernetics; the mental symptoms nearly every individual displayed after certain level of augmentation was reached. The disease was elusive, striking some individuals early, almost after the first augmentations were installed while others showed no noticeable signs even years after a measurable portion of their bodies had been replaced with cybernetic implants. The symptoms themselves were as varied as much as the onset time of the disease, from mood swings to progressive personality changes, from paralysis to paranoia, from hallucinations to bouts of explosive violence. Death was all too often the final stage of the disease, whether through antisocial behaviour that leads to violent death or the slow decline of a progressive, degenerative collapse of the nervous system. The killer with the many faces soon found a name; Cyberpsychosis.
The actual base cause of cyberpsychosis was debated for long. Bacterial infection of subcortical and limbic structures of the nervous system. Metal poisoning interfering with the cerebral cortex. Neurotransmitter imbalance. Over the decades the last option began to gain in support; people who had augmented their brain and their nervous system were the ones who fell to the psychosis faster than those who had only augmented their bodies. 
Treatment of cyberpsychosis is possible, but the road to recovery is long and hard. The approved method consist of removal of all cyberware and administration of antipsychotic medication. The removal of the augmentations helps restore the faded body-image of the patient, but the effects have been noted as minor; still, the benefit lies in minimizing the chance of the patient’s condition worsening and ensuring the safety of the medical personnel treating the patient. Psychological therapy is usually attempted after the patient’s condition has begun to show signs of improvement, but the results have been generally poor. All in all, full recovery from the psychosis is all but impossible and the chance of a patient becoming a productive member of his society even after years of intense therapy and heavy medication is less than 50%.
==The nations of cyborgs==
[[Image:Faction Logo Cyborg.png|right|150px|Cyborg Faction Logo]]
The terror of cyberpsychosis was a devastating blow to the industry. Even the armed forces began to slow down the augmentation of their troopers; were the admittedly massive benefits worth the risk of an augmented soldier going berserk in the middle of the mission or in training? With the latest weapons hardware the augmented were capable of laying waste to whole companies of regular soldiers. After a few near-disasters that showed the reality of the threat, laws were passed that regulated the augmentation of humans, requiring hard-to-acquire permissions and medical statements from doctors to have anything but the most basic Cybersphere links installed.
A certain culture-subgroup, though, was drawn to the idea of expanding their bodies and mentalities though a symbiosis with machinery and rebelled against the limitations imposed on them by society. Add to this the fact that those already augmented became persecuted, the unaugmented treating them as disasters waiting to happen. Thus it was inevitable that once the Cyborg Faction was established by a group of renegade military cyborgs, many of the augmented saw this as an answer to their prayers. Soon, though, differences in opinions and in political ambitions saw the single Faction breaking up into numerous splinter Factions, each independent and free to pursue their own goals.
Over the decades, medical scientists in the Cyborg Factions continued their studies into cerebral cortex re-engineering surgery and eventually found a cure for cyberpsychosis, the greatest threat to their continued existence. The scientists learned that certain surgical alterations to the brain significantly reduced a person’s chances of succumbing to the psychosis, and while the operation wasn’t without its risks (Permanent personality changes, the loss of perceived “humanity”) the treatments quickly became widespread inside the Faction. The technology was never openly offered for the use of other Factions, and considering the known side effects, it might not have been accepted in any case. The other factions moved to develop their own solutions, and while they were universally markedly less effective, they were non-invasive enough to be accepted by the societies at large and were effective enough to allow low-level augmentation of their citizens to be resumed.
==Cybernetics in the Universe==
Cybernetic augmentations can be done to virtually any part of the body, and are divided into the following categories and subcategories. It should be noted that some of the some bodyware augmentations, particularly high-level muscle and bone crafts, all armored skin and personal shield augmentations, war-drug glands, stealth systems and weapons implants are generally reserved for top troops of various armed forces and corporate armies. In many societies, possessing high-level augmentations of these types is considered illegal and outsiders augmented with such hardware are often required to register and their activities are monitored to a degree to ensure they pursue no illegal activities. The same applies certain wetware augmentations, namely intrusionware and advanced combat skill memories.
Cybernetic augmentations are vulnerable to EM pulses and interference, though some augments are more vulnerable than others. Wetware in particular is sensitive, but some bodyware augments (Enhanced senses, stealth and shield augments, ranged weapons implants) can be impaired as well. Genetic algorithms used in the design of the cyberware ensure that the augments are capable of restoring their functionality on their own, but prolonged exposure and high-intensity pulses may completely disable augmentations, at which point replacement is necessary.
The general term for cybernetics that directly augments the brain and the nervous system. Wetware augments are the number one known cause of Cyberpsyschosis amongst most Cybernetically augmented.
====Processor nodes====
The basic building block of wetware augmentations, processor nodes are used to run utility and management programs. Low-level augmentations will merely allow the installation of other wetware implants and gives access to a limited virtual vision; the augmented might perhaps see a chronometric display superimposed in a corner of his field of vision, or a compass display, or the number of rounds in the clip of a smart weapon linked to the augmented. The level of the augmentation is directly related to the processing power available.
Higher levels of the augmentation will increase the person’s mathematical talents, are able to run multiple parallel processes and software for a variety of purposes. Even simple AI assistants can be ran with both the processing power and memory capacity become large enough.
Requirements: None.
====Memory cells====
Requirements: Processor nodes, 1lvl.
====Reflex boosters====
Requirements: Processor nodes, 3lvl.
====Stress response management====
Requirements: Processor nodes, 3lvl, War-drug glands 1lvl.  
====Network implants====
Requirements: Processor nodes, 1lvl.  
====Skill memories====
Requirements: Processor nodes, 3lvl, Memory cells 3lvl.
====Utility software====
Requirements: Processor nodes, 2lvl, Memory cells 2lvl.
Requirements: Processor nodes, 5lvl, Memory cells 5lvl.
The general term for cybernetics that augments the body’s physical attributes.
====Muscle and bone crafts====
A typical application of cybernetics. Muscles are augmented by electromuscle filaments and bones with protective layers of carbon nanofiber tubes. If larger boost in performance is required, muscle cells are replaced with clone-grown gene-tailored muscle cells and the amount of electromuscle filaments increased. Eventually muscle tissue is entirely replaced.
The increased muscular strength requires a corresponding increase in skeletal structure strength to prevent the power of the muscles damaging the body. Even if your new augmented musculature is strong enough to lift a cargo container, if the weight crushes your bones to splinters it will amount to little. Thus while the muscles are augmented, the same goes to the bone structure. Bones are gradually replaced with lightweight but strong carbon nanofiber tubes, or in more extreme cases with lightweight metallic alloys. Still, a person’s bodyweight will be increase significantly during the augmentation; a full-conversion muscle and bone crafts are likely to add from 100 to 300 lbs to a person’s weight, depending on the person’s size and the extent of the augmentation. Such augmentations are also easily detectable even with the naked eye.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: Increased strength and resiliency, increased resistance to kinetic impacts.
Disadvantages: Increased bodyweight, high-level augmentations very easily detectable even with naked eye.
====Enhanced senses====
Another very typical augmentation. Eyeballs are replaced entirely with optical sensors virtually indistinguishable from natural eyes and the optic nerves and occipital lobe are augmented so the brain can take advantage of the new richness of sensory input. Vision into the ultraviolet, infrared and electromagnetic bands are possible through augmentations, as well as light-amplification and zoom options.
Inner and middle ear can be replaced and the temporal lobe augmented to improve hearing. The range of frequencies detectable is expanded dramatically, and location of sound sources made easier. Mapping rooms and detecting motions with the help of an additional ultrasound emitter implant is also possible.
Note: If memory cell wetware is installed, recording of sense input is possible.
Requirements: Processor nodes, 1lvl. Memory cells 3lvl for sensorum recordings.
Advantages: Amplified vision in darkness, tele- and micro-optics to see both small or far-away objects with perfect clarity.
Disadvantages: Especially vulnerable to EM pulses; EM interference can blur the sensor input or even disable the augmentations entirely for the duration.
====Anti-immune system enchantments====
By injecting self-replicating medical nanobots into the bloodstream and installing glands able to inject gene-tailored versions of the hormones the immune system can be enhanced to a great degree. Depending on how advanced nanobots are available, the body’s normal healing rate can be as much as quintupled, and the body’s ability to fight off the effects of bacteria and viruses and other harmful outside agents (Poisons, microorganisms etc). The heightened immune system uses up the body’s resources considerably faster and tends to generate heat that manifests as a fever when dealing with a grievous injury.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: Particularly when modern medical assistance is not available and one is injured, this augmentation proves invaluable. High-level augmentation increases healing rate and resistance to diseases and poisons up to 10 times normal. 
Disadvantages: Not necessarily compatible with racial regenerative abilities. Depends partly on body’s energy reserves and causes heat buildup that can be incapacitating when fast-healing grievous injuries. No matter the level of augmentation, some injuries are simply beyond the augment’s abilities to deal with.
====Internal pockets====
Favoured by smugglers and fences in particular, small storage pockets can be installed under the skin. At additional cost, a rudimentary EM-shield to avoid detection by cursory scanning can be included; the pockets themselves close seamlessly enough to escape notice. Considering the constraints imposed by the body of the augmented, the pockets have a maximum volume of 25 cubic inches on a medium-sized human.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: Excellent way of transporting small items through customs.
Disadvantages: The small size of the pockets limits the kind of items one may store in them.
====Cosmetic alterations====
A very common and generally non-invasive augmentation, especially popular among intelligence field operators (To remain anonymous) and popular culture celebrities (To match latest fashion and control their facial expressions in front of a camera) alike, tiny electromuscle fiber connected to facial muscles can alter a person’s appearance by a considerable magnitude. The effect depends on the conventionality of the person’s skull structure, but with the augmentation, facial expressions can be controlled extremely well and changes to appearance can be done on the fly, in mere moments.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: Ability to change one’s appearance even in small ways can be useful in both avoiding and seeking attention.
Disadvantages: Long-term use can cause skin damage and loosen the muscles, leading to apparent aging, though that is easily remedied by modern medicine.
====Armored skin====
With nanofiber filaments added between the skin layers, considerable resistance to damage can be achieved. Particularly effective against cutting and stabbing injuries, higher level augmentations include energy dumb nets that can help divert the incoming energy weapon fire. The protection afforded even by the higher level augmentations is never impenetrable, but it can equal the effect of a medium armor vest, stopping slow-caliber projectiles altogether and diminishing the damage from higher caliber projective and energy weapons.
Requirements: Muscle and bone craft 3lvl.
Advantages: Good protection against low-caliber projectiles and cuts, higher levels provide modest protection against energy weapons and larger-caliber projectiles.
Disadvantages: Loss of sensitivity and surface tactile response sensors with increased protection.
====Personal shields====
A force-field emitter web can be installed under the skin while fat tissue is removed to make room for the power cells. While low-level shields are good for little more than generating an atmospheric seal around the augmented person, high-quality augmentations offer protection at bar with the protective field of light marine assault armors. The energy consumption rate is the shield’s downside. The human body places distinct limits on the size of a power cell that can be installed, and even with the energy densities of modern power cells, the use of a personal shield at high power drains the cell in mere minutes, even faster if the shield is subjected to high level of stress.
Requirements: Armored skin 1lvl.
Advantages: Good protection against physical weapons, decent against energy weapons. Can be used to cushion kinetic impacts (Falling etc) slightly. Can be used with suitable weapons implant augmentations to create a deadly melee weapon. 
Disadvantages: Huge energy consumption compared to the effect produced; mainly suitable for emergency use or as a backup defense system. Extremely easy to detect with even rudimentary sensors in stand-by or active state. A massive overload of the shield can cause serious tissue damage to the augmented.
====War-drug glands====
An offshoot of anti-immune system enhancement augmentation, a war-drug gland is able to dispense a variety of gene-tailored hormones and substances that enhance a person’s physical and mental functions temporarily. Adrenaline and endorphins to fight off pain and to coax muscles into survival-mode level of power output. Stimulants to increase reaction speed and to clear and focus the mind, specialized antibodies to counteract poisons and medicines seeking to incapacitate. While a powerful tool in the right hands, the use of the gland over long periods of time is extremely taxing. The use of aggressor hormones also runs the risk of decreasing a person’s ability to rational thought; more than one augmented has gone berserk when the gland’s output of enhanced adrenaline and such substances had overwhelmed the body’s tolerance.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: Enhanced physical and mental performance for short periods of time. Practically undetectable even under low to medium-level scans.
Disadvantages: Not suitable for protracted use. Overuse may cause severe physical and mental side-effects. 
====Stealth systems====
A combination of different technologies to avoid detection, either by sensor or by human senses. Chameleon pigmentation of the skin allows the augmented to blend in with the background and absorb radar pulses, heat sinks can channel the accumulated body heat into the ground via the soles to match prevalent air temperature to fool infrared sensors. Other augmentations can be shielded to diminish their EM emissions.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: For a spy or a soldier, the ability to avoid detection in enemy territory can be invaluable. For others, the ability to shield their other augmentations from detection may be useful at times.
Disadvantages: Chameleon pigmentation is not effective unless the augmented person remains mostly stationary. EM shield’s effectiveness depends on the amount of other augmentations installed; for a full conversion cyborg, it will only work to make distinguishing individual implants more difficult.
====Internal weapons: Melee====
Low-level implants of this type are highly sought-after by criminals as a backup weapon or a mean of intimidation, while the high-level augmentations can turn a proficient user into a deadly weapon. Common weapons implants include retractable claws of mono-bonded carbon, monofilament garrotes and lashes, electroshock or nervejammer pulses to disable enemies without causing permanent damage, nervetoxins secreted by modified sweat glands and delivered through skin contact.
Requirements: None.
Advantages: Highly concealable, highly effective in the hands of skilled users. Can be a powerful backup weapon even for the unskilled, with the additional benefit of an element of surprise.
Disadvantages: None.
====Internal weapons: Ranged====
Even considering the volume constraints of fitting functional weapons in a human body, if one is willing to lose physical strength space for weapon implants can be found. Though limited in the amount of ammunition or the size of energy cells, a hidden weapon can be a powerful advantage in ambushes and unexpected combat situations. Different weapons implants include dart launchers (Explosive or poison tipped), energy weapons (Small PEC weapons, stunners) and projectile launchers (Small-caliber grav-pulse weapons).
Requirements: Muscle and bone craft 1lvl, Armored skin 3lvl.
Advantages: Highly concealable, though at the cost of physical power output in the limb where the weapon is hidden in.
Disadvantages: Very limited storage space for power cells and ammunition. Requires a lot of space, so levels of this augmentation prevents taking high-level muscle and bone crafts.

Latest revision as of 11:49, 22 October 2007

Cyborg Development


Cybernetics is the science of combining a man with a machine.

Begun as crude attempts to create processors that would be able to interface with a living being’s nervous system, to translate a computer’s commands into nerve impulses that would stimulate the senses and fool the muscles into action, it was the discovery of a technique to grow nerve cells on silicon chip base that allowed cybernetics to transcend from fiction into fact. With the physical bridge between computer and living tissue now established, decoding the language of the neurons was merely a matter of time and processing power. Later, miniaturization through the application of nanotechnology allowed cybernetics to leapfrog from specialist industry into mainstream society.

First used in the creation of artificial limbs and organs, the application of cybernetics were soon expanded to augmenting people’s physical and mental functions, as well as providing useful abilities people had previously needed external appliances for. Boosted muscles and reinforced bones, senses heightened beyond what nature had intended. Accelerated reaction speed, heightened immune system to fight off diseases genetics have not yet found a cure and to quickly recover from injuries. Processor and memory nodes to augment the brain, wireless communications links to replace communicators and allow the augmented to connect to the local Cyberspehere (See link) and to remote-control appliances and vehicles.

The natural next step was for programs to be downloaded and ran in the processor nodes, giving a person the ability to, for example, record a corporate meeting through his own senses into a secure memory node while agent programs datamined the Cybersphere and company databases to provide additional information. All this while the person himself could devote his attention to the matter at hand, digesting the data provided by the agent programs to better understand the topics discussed.

Military applications

Military quickly understood the benefits of cybernetics and indeed armed forces were most often at the cutting edge of the technology, trying out all possible methods of improving the survival rate and effectiveness of its top agents. Cerebral re-engineering, war-drug dispenser implants and axon blocks provided lightning-quick reaction rate and relative immunity to pain, augmented muscles and skeletal structure made lifting massive weights possible.

Nano-fibers threaded into skin layers provided adequate protection from harm, and internal force-field webs, despite their massive power consumption rates, turned even apparently unarmed and unarmored troopers into deadly weapons. Thermal shunts and active stealth coating in the form of active chameleon pigmentation of the skin allowed the augmented troopers to evade enemy sensors, while heightened senses and implanted sensors gave them the ability to spot their targets with pinpoint accuracy.

Wetwired weapons controlled by thoughts alone, weapons that forwarded targeting information directly into their user’s brain and implanted weapons like miniature particle energy weapons and nerve-jammers, monofilament garrottes and mono-bonded carbon claws were soon to follow, literally turning the heavily augmented troopers into living weapons.

The logical next step in the heating cybernetic arms race was the introduction of full-conversion cyborgs; people whose brain and spinal cord were removed from their bodies, sealed in life-support container and installed in a fully artificial bodies. Eagerly experimenting with their ever improving super-soldiers, the scientists realized that at this point there was no reason to limit their soldiers to humanoid bodies; four legs offered greater stability in difficult terrain, four arms could carry and operate more weapons systems at the same time. Mobility was augmented via replacing limbs with electromuscle tentacles, senses were boosted by replacing eyes with omnidirectional sensor bands. Only a minority of the augmented proved willing to lose their humanity to that degree, hanging on to the belief that the human shape and human thoughts still made them humans in truth, but the few that were willing to go any length in their quest for personal power surpassed their augmented colleagues like they had surpassed the unaugmented.

The dark side of cybernetics

It was the military that was first introduced to the dark side of cybernetics; the mental symptoms nearly every individual displayed after certain level of augmentation was reached. The disease was elusive, striking some individuals early, almost after the first augmentations were installed while others showed no noticeable signs even years after a measurable portion of their bodies had been replaced with cybernetic implants. The symptoms themselves were as varied as much as the onset time of the disease, from mood swings to progressive personality changes, from paralysis to paranoia, from hallucinations to bouts of explosive violence. Death was all too often the final stage of the disease, whether through antisocial behaviour that leads to violent death or the slow decline of a progressive, degenerative collapse of the nervous system. The killer with the many faces soon found a name; Cyberpsychosis.

The actual base cause of cyberpsychosis was debated for long. Bacterial infection of subcortical and limbic structures of the nervous system. Metal poisoning interfering with the cerebral cortex. Neurotransmitter imbalance. Over the decades the last option began to gain in support; people who had augmented their brain and their nervous system were the ones who fell to the psychosis faster than those who had only augmented their bodies.

Treatment of cyberpsychosis is possible, but the road to recovery is long and hard. The approved method consist of removal of all cyberware and administration of antipsychotic medication. The removal of the augmentations helps restore the faded body-image of the patient, but the effects have been noted as minor; still, the benefit lies in minimizing the chance of the patient’s condition worsening and ensuring the safety of the medical personnel treating the patient. Psychological therapy is usually attempted after the patient’s condition has begun to show signs of improvement, but the results have been generally poor. All in all, full recovery from the psychosis is all but impossible and the chance of a patient becoming a productive member of his society even after years of intense therapy and heavy medication is less than 50%.

The nations of cyborgs

Cyborg Faction Logo

The terror of cyberpsychosis was a devastating blow to the industry. Even the armed forces began to slow down the augmentation of their troopers; were the admittedly massive benefits worth the risk of an augmented soldier going berserk in the middle of the mission or in training? With the latest weapons hardware the augmented were capable of laying waste to whole companies of regular soldiers. After a few near-disasters that showed the reality of the threat, laws were passed that regulated the augmentation of humans, requiring hard-to-acquire permissions and medical statements from doctors to have anything but the most basic Cybersphere links installed.

A certain culture-subgroup, though, was drawn to the idea of expanding their bodies and mentalities though a symbiosis with machinery and rebelled against the limitations imposed on them by society. Add to this the fact that those already augmented became persecuted, the unaugmented treating them as disasters waiting to happen. Thus it was inevitable that once the Cyborg Faction was established by a group of renegade military cyborgs, many of the augmented saw this as an answer to their prayers. Soon, though, differences in opinions and in political ambitions saw the single Faction breaking up into numerous splinter Factions, each independent and free to pursue their own goals.

Over the decades, medical scientists in the Cyborg Factions continued their studies into cerebral cortex re-engineering surgery and eventually found a cure for cyberpsychosis, the greatest threat to their continued existence. The scientists learned that certain surgical alterations to the brain significantly reduced a person’s chances of succumbing to the psychosis, and while the operation wasn’t without its risks (Permanent personality changes, the loss of perceived “humanity”) the treatments quickly became widespread inside the Faction. The technology was never openly offered for the use of other Factions, and considering the known side effects, it might not have been accepted in any case. The other factions moved to develop their own solutions, and while they were universally markedly less effective, they were non-invasive enough to be accepted by the societies at large and were effective enough to allow low-level augmentation of their citizens to be resumed.

Cybernetics in the Universe

Cybernetic augmentations can be done to virtually any part of the body, and are divided into the following categories and subcategories. It should be noted that some of the some bodyware augmentations, particularly high-level muscle and bone crafts, all armored skin and personal shield augmentations, war-drug glands, stealth systems and weapons implants are generally reserved for top troops of various armed forces and corporate armies. In many societies, possessing high-level augmentations of these types is considered illegal and outsiders augmented with such hardware are often required to register and their activities are monitored to a degree to ensure they pursue no illegal activities. The same applies certain wetware augmentations, namely intrusionware and advanced combat skill memories.

Cybernetic augmentations are vulnerable to EM pulses and interference, though some augments are more vulnerable than others. Wetware in particular is sensitive, but some bodyware augments (Enhanced senses, stealth and shield augments, ranged weapons implants) can be impaired as well. Genetic algorithms used in the design of the cyberware ensure that the augments are capable of restoring their functionality on their own, but prolonged exposure and high-intensity pulses may completely disable augmentations, at which point replacement is necessary.


The general term for cybernetics that directly augments the brain and the nervous system. Wetware augments are the number one known cause of Cyberpsyschosis amongst most Cybernetically augmented.

Processor nodes

The basic building block of wetware augmentations, processor nodes are used to run utility and management programs. Low-level augmentations will merely allow the installation of other wetware implants and gives access to a limited virtual vision; the augmented might perhaps see a chronometric display superimposed in a corner of his field of vision, or a compass display, or the number of rounds in the clip of a smart weapon linked to the augmented. The level of the augmentation is directly related to the processing power available.

Higher levels of the augmentation will increase the person’s mathematical talents, are able to run multiple parallel processes and software for a variety of purposes. Even simple AI assistants can be ran with both the processing power and memory capacity become large enough.

Requirements: None.



Memory cells

Requirements: Processor nodes, 1lvl.



Reflex boosters

Requirements: Processor nodes, 3lvl.



Stress response management

Requirements: Processor nodes, 3lvl, War-drug glands 1lvl.



Network implants

Requirements: Processor nodes, 1lvl.



Skill memories

Requirements: Processor nodes, 3lvl, Memory cells 3lvl.



Utility software

Requirements: Processor nodes, 2lvl, Memory cells 2lvl.




Requirements: Processor nodes, 5lvl, Memory cells 5lvl.




The general term for cybernetics that augments the body’s physical attributes.

Muscle and bone crafts

A typical application of cybernetics. Muscles are augmented by electromuscle filaments and bones with protective layers of carbon nanofiber tubes. If larger boost in performance is required, muscle cells are replaced with clone-grown gene-tailored muscle cells and the amount of electromuscle filaments increased. Eventually muscle tissue is entirely replaced.

The increased muscular strength requires a corresponding increase in skeletal structure strength to prevent the power of the muscles damaging the body. Even if your new augmented musculature is strong enough to lift a cargo container, if the weight crushes your bones to splinters it will amount to little. Thus while the muscles are augmented, the same goes to the bone structure. Bones are gradually replaced with lightweight but strong carbon nanofiber tubes, or in more extreme cases with lightweight metallic alloys. Still, a person’s bodyweight will be increase significantly during the augmentation; a full-conversion muscle and bone crafts are likely to add from 100 to 300 lbs to a person’s weight, depending on the person’s size and the extent of the augmentation. Such augmentations are also easily detectable even with the naked eye.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: Increased strength and resiliency, increased resistance to kinetic impacts.

Disadvantages: Increased bodyweight, high-level augmentations very easily detectable even with naked eye.

Enhanced senses

Another very typical augmentation. Eyeballs are replaced entirely with optical sensors virtually indistinguishable from natural eyes and the optic nerves and occipital lobe are augmented so the brain can take advantage of the new richness of sensory input. Vision into the ultraviolet, infrared and electromagnetic bands are possible through augmentations, as well as light-amplification and zoom options.

Inner and middle ear can be replaced and the temporal lobe augmented to improve hearing. The range of frequencies detectable is expanded dramatically, and location of sound sources made easier. Mapping rooms and detecting motions with the help of an additional ultrasound emitter implant is also possible. Note: If memory cell wetware is installed, recording of sense input is possible.

Requirements: Processor nodes, 1lvl. Memory cells 3lvl for sensorum recordings.

Advantages: Amplified vision in darkness, tele- and micro-optics to see both small or far-away objects with perfect clarity.

Disadvantages: Especially vulnerable to EM pulses; EM interference can blur the sensor input or even disable the augmentations entirely for the duration.

Anti-immune system enchantments

By injecting self-replicating medical nanobots into the bloodstream and installing glands able to inject gene-tailored versions of the hormones the immune system can be enhanced to a great degree. Depending on how advanced nanobots are available, the body’s normal healing rate can be as much as quintupled, and the body’s ability to fight off the effects of bacteria and viruses and other harmful outside agents (Poisons, microorganisms etc). The heightened immune system uses up the body’s resources considerably faster and tends to generate heat that manifests as a fever when dealing with a grievous injury.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: Particularly when modern medical assistance is not available and one is injured, this augmentation proves invaluable. High-level augmentation increases healing rate and resistance to diseases and poisons up to 10 times normal.

Disadvantages: Not necessarily compatible with racial regenerative abilities. Depends partly on body’s energy reserves and causes heat buildup that can be incapacitating when fast-healing grievous injuries. No matter the level of augmentation, some injuries are simply beyond the augment’s abilities to deal with.

Internal pockets

Favoured by smugglers and fences in particular, small storage pockets can be installed under the skin. At additional cost, a rudimentary EM-shield to avoid detection by cursory scanning can be included; the pockets themselves close seamlessly enough to escape notice. Considering the constraints imposed by the body of the augmented, the pockets have a maximum volume of 25 cubic inches on a medium-sized human.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: Excellent way of transporting small items through customs.

Disadvantages: The small size of the pockets limits the kind of items one may store in them.

Cosmetic alterations

A very common and generally non-invasive augmentation, especially popular among intelligence field operators (To remain anonymous) and popular culture celebrities (To match latest fashion and control their facial expressions in front of a camera) alike, tiny electromuscle fiber connected to facial muscles can alter a person’s appearance by a considerable magnitude. The effect depends on the conventionality of the person’s skull structure, but with the augmentation, facial expressions can be controlled extremely well and changes to appearance can be done on the fly, in mere moments.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: Ability to change one’s appearance even in small ways can be useful in both avoiding and seeking attention.

Disadvantages: Long-term use can cause skin damage and loosen the muscles, leading to apparent aging, though that is easily remedied by modern medicine.

Armored skin

With nanofiber filaments added between the skin layers, considerable resistance to damage can be achieved. Particularly effective against cutting and stabbing injuries, higher level augmentations include energy dumb nets that can help divert the incoming energy weapon fire. The protection afforded even by the higher level augmentations is never impenetrable, but it can equal the effect of a medium armor vest, stopping slow-caliber projectiles altogether and diminishing the damage from higher caliber projective and energy weapons.

Requirements: Muscle and bone craft 3lvl.

Advantages: Good protection against low-caliber projectiles and cuts, higher levels provide modest protection against energy weapons and larger-caliber projectiles.

Disadvantages: Loss of sensitivity and surface tactile response sensors with increased protection.

Personal shields

A force-field emitter web can be installed under the skin while fat tissue is removed to make room for the power cells. While low-level shields are good for little more than generating an atmospheric seal around the augmented person, high-quality augmentations offer protection at bar with the protective field of light marine assault armors. The energy consumption rate is the shield’s downside. The human body places distinct limits on the size of a power cell that can be installed, and even with the energy densities of modern power cells, the use of a personal shield at high power drains the cell in mere minutes, even faster if the shield is subjected to high level of stress.

Requirements: Armored skin 1lvl.

Advantages: Good protection against physical weapons, decent against energy weapons. Can be used to cushion kinetic impacts (Falling etc) slightly. Can be used with suitable weapons implant augmentations to create a deadly melee weapon.

Disadvantages: Huge energy consumption compared to the effect produced; mainly suitable for emergency use or as a backup defense system. Extremely easy to detect with even rudimentary sensors in stand-by or active state. A massive overload of the shield can cause serious tissue damage to the augmented.

War-drug glands

An offshoot of anti-immune system enhancement augmentation, a war-drug gland is able to dispense a variety of gene-tailored hormones and substances that enhance a person’s physical and mental functions temporarily. Adrenaline and endorphins to fight off pain and to coax muscles into survival-mode level of power output. Stimulants to increase reaction speed and to clear and focus the mind, specialized antibodies to counteract poisons and medicines seeking to incapacitate. While a powerful tool in the right hands, the use of the gland over long periods of time is extremely taxing. The use of aggressor hormones also runs the risk of decreasing a person’s ability to rational thought; more than one augmented has gone berserk when the gland’s output of enhanced adrenaline and such substances had overwhelmed the body’s tolerance.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: Enhanced physical and mental performance for short periods of time. Practically undetectable even under low to medium-level scans.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for protracted use. Overuse may cause severe physical and mental side-effects.

Stealth systems

A combination of different technologies to avoid detection, either by sensor or by human senses. Chameleon pigmentation of the skin allows the augmented to blend in with the background and absorb radar pulses, heat sinks can channel the accumulated body heat into the ground via the soles to match prevalent air temperature to fool infrared sensors. Other augmentations can be shielded to diminish their EM emissions.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: For a spy or a soldier, the ability to avoid detection in enemy territory can be invaluable. For others, the ability to shield their other augmentations from detection may be useful at times.

Disadvantages: Chameleon pigmentation is not effective unless the augmented person remains mostly stationary. EM shield’s effectiveness depends on the amount of other augmentations installed; for a full conversion cyborg, it will only work to make distinguishing individual implants more difficult.

Internal weapons: Melee

Low-level implants of this type are highly sought-after by criminals as a backup weapon or a mean of intimidation, while the high-level augmentations can turn a proficient user into a deadly weapon. Common weapons implants include retractable claws of mono-bonded carbon, monofilament garrotes and lashes, electroshock or nervejammer pulses to disable enemies without causing permanent damage, nervetoxins secreted by modified sweat glands and delivered through skin contact.

Requirements: None.

Advantages: Highly concealable, highly effective in the hands of skilled users. Can be a powerful backup weapon even for the unskilled, with the additional benefit of an element of surprise.

Disadvantages: None.

Internal weapons: Ranged

Even considering the volume constraints of fitting functional weapons in a human body, if one is willing to lose physical strength space for weapon implants can be found. Though limited in the amount of ammunition or the size of energy cells, a hidden weapon can be a powerful advantage in ambushes and unexpected combat situations. Different weapons implants include dart launchers (Explosive or poison tipped), energy weapons (Small PEC weapons, stunners) and projectile launchers (Small-caliber grav-pulse weapons).

Requirements: Muscle and bone craft 1lvl, Armored skin 3lvl.

Advantages: Highly concealable, though at the cost of physical power output in the limb where the weapon is hidden in.

Disadvantages: Very limited storage space for power cells and ammunition. Requires a lot of space, so levels of this augmentation prevents taking high-level muscle and bone crafts.