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By signing up for USI, you are now working as an officer of our organization. As a result, you earn credits daily, based on your rank. Credits can be used to buy things in the shopping area of our website (Tryst Commons).
Please note: you are not allowed to post your character having advanced items until he/she has bought them. So if you are a Cadet stepping onto the Orton for the first time, you can't have brought two personal shuttles and 30 specialized weapons onboard. You will need to buy these items first.

Now of course every character who comes into USI is going to have a history before joining USI. If your character received a special family knife for his eighteenth birthday, or if you have special ceremonial robes that pertain to your species' culture, that is fine. A good question to ask yourself is: "Will having this item give my character an advantage over another character?" If it does, it is more than likely that you will need to buy this item through Tryst Commons.

There are three different ways you can earn credits in USI:

1. Daily wages. Based on your rank, you will be paid a certain amount of credits each day. As your rank goes up, so will the amount you earn.

2. Games. You will be able to earn credits by playing games on the USI website, such as the Stock Market or other smaller games.

3. Bonuses. Referring friends to USI will give you an added 100 credits to your account, so make sure they tell us who referred them! Also, players who post exceptionally high will be given bonus credits, and Captains and Admirals will be given bonus credits for turning in reports on time and other extra duties.

Your current credits amount and your inventory are viewable under your personal profile. You will have the option to trade or discard items in your inventory when you like. If you have any questions over this system, please direct them to [email protected]